Have Lighted Kindle Cover, Will Travel

It’s rare that an accessory to something technological transforms the original thing into something that’s perceived as different.  I don’t like being on the cutting edge of technology trends, I’m a late adopter – let others waste their time, I

Have Lighted Kindle Cover, Will Travel

It’s rare that an accessory to something technological transforms the original thing into something that’s perceived as different.  I don’t like being on the cutting edge of technology trends, I’m a late adopter – let others waste their time, I


I did this to myself, but I’m impressed how Ryobi got me sucked into their platform. This summer I needed to build a railing or get one built, but convinced by the fine folks at home despot, that all that


I did this to myself, but I’m impressed how Ryobi got me sucked into their platform. This summer I needed to build a railing or get one built, but convinced by the fine folks at home despot, that all that

Globe and Mail Redesign 2010

I have to admit that I was looking forward to October 1st in anticipation to the new Globe layout.  The last redesign left me with a smaller paper, some arguably cool fonts but I couldn’t stand whole swaths of space

Globe and Mail Redesign 2010

I have to admit that I was looking forward to October 1st in anticipation to the new Globe layout.  The last redesign left me with a smaller paper, some arguably cool fonts but I couldn’t stand whole swaths of space

What to expect here: Clover

Spring signals new beginnings, been meaning to do this for a while now. You can expect the EPLM, the enlightened product manager to harken back to the venerable Whole Earth Review.  Thoughts are centred around my interests, and the core

What to expect here: Clover

Spring signals new beginnings, been meaning to do this for a while now. You can expect the EPLM, the enlightened product manager to harken back to the venerable Whole Earth Review.  Thoughts are centred around my interests, and the core

Jolicloud for the rest of us

I had been lazily getting around installing Ubuntu to my netbook recently. I was leery of completely obliterating my Windows XP install for mainly good reasons. It works reliably well and my MS Office Suite alone is reason to keep

Jolicloud for the rest of us

I had been lazily getting around installing Ubuntu to my netbook recently. I was leery of completely obliterating my Windows XP install for mainly good reasons. It works reliably well and my MS Office Suite alone is reason to keep

Mostly Books, some Project Intentions

In the good old days pre MBA I used to sometimes blog posts to warm up my writing for the day. I’m going to try to do this to wind down and catch up on some project thoughts as I

Mostly Books, some Project Intentions

In the good old days pre MBA I used to sometimes blog posts to warm up my writing for the day. I’m going to try to do this to wind down and catch up on some project thoughts as I

Apple iPad Predictions

I only have a few hours to ‘predict’ the Apple iSlate (or whatever they call it, it doesn’t matter, it will stick if they called it iTeflon even) so here they are as concisely and thoroughly as I can muster.

Apple iPad Predictions

I only have a few hours to ‘predict’ the Apple iSlate (or whatever they call it, it doesn’t matter, it will stick if they called it iTeflon even) so here they are as concisely and thoroughly as I can muster.

Last Post of 2009

Don’t feel like a long review of 2009, better places to do that. But a few thoughts here. 2010 will be a less hectic year. Work, family and an MBA are a lot to juggle in one year. This will

Last Post of 2009

Don’t feel like a long review of 2009, better places to do that. But a few thoughts here. 2010 will be a less hectic year. Work, family and an MBA are a lot to juggle in one year. This will